Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Taco Night's Best Friend!!!

I wanted to quickly share with y'all my favorite taco stand.  I did some research, yes research, on the best taco stands and these are it!  There were three major things I needed it to do.  It's made of metal and therefore can be placed in the oven, they are dishwasher safe, and best of all, they collapse for easy storage.  Believe it or not, it is really hard to find tacos stands that do all three of those things.  You can use them for crunchy or soft tacos.  I like using them because it makes filling each taco quick and easy and I just set it on a cookie sheet to bring it right to the table for dinner.  I know they seem a little pricey but most taco stands that are around $7-$10 hold 3 tacos and do not collapse, this one holds 6 tacos and collapses.  (Research!)  Having them verses not having them, I don't know how I lived without them!  I have included another less expensive option, because let's be real, we are talking about tacos stands here.  :P


Less Expensive Option: (Holds 5 Tacos)



1 comment:

  1. I have this taco stand and absolutely LOVE IT!!! Makes taco night nice and easy :) So nice to be able to make all of your tacos without them falling over and dumping out everything you just worked soooo hard to put in it!!
